Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The polish doubles as a way to prevent sexual assault, according to the triangle business , The nail polish changes color when the person wearing it is exposed to date rape drugs.The person wearing the nail polish has to use their finger to stir their drink. If the drink has a date rape drug in it, the nail polish changes color.

It just goes to show how many things people need to look out for.There's so many things people can do to harm other humans. Is this world safe anymore?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

 Usa today reported Monday that the flights will provide information on potential targets for strikes in Syria if Obama approves. Syria noticed the flights going on and contacted us air officals wondering what was going on. Jihadist militants are working over syria and that was the goal of the us air force.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The heart of Northern California's wine country was getting back to business after a strong earthquake damaged buildings Sunday and made a mess of the historic downtown district.
Many businesses were damaged by this natural disaster.
Resisdents are doing anything it takes to get there business up and running again before they get to far behind.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The U.S today has many americans unhappy with the decisions thd president has made. Taxes, health cares and many other laws they are trying to pass thats not helping anything this in the long run. Our goverment is 16 trillion dollars in debt at this very moment. They are close to spending millions a day on things that aren't even neccesary.

One of the biggest problems i've personally seen on the web and news. Business people think that government is so dysfunctional that they are afraid to invest and spur growth. The stock markets are down and people are scared not knowing what to do. They want to invest money but if they take a chance that stock market may not grow.

 Lingering effects of the housing bust are still impoverishing families and economic growth. Houses are so much harder to buy in this new life since obama has taken over. Everything has raised, people are loosing jobs left and right. In my understanding you draw taxes of every worker to pay for people whom don't work.

 As for business investment shrinking because of Washington's dysfunction? That's not just a gut feeling. It's a measurable stat. And the data suggest its not really true.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

People against the U.S taxes?
American drug company said there planting there flag in the netherlands because the U.S taxes are just unfair.In the international arena, U.S. multinational firms have established themselves as world leaders in global tax avoidance strategies. Many people are totally against the taxt policy. Theres and article saying her bid to require a new dutch company and moving ownership over abroad through a controversial tactic known as an inversion was forced by Congress which has refused to lower corporate tax rates and make U.S. businesses "more competitive.

A tax is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay, or evasion of or resistance to collection, is punishable by law.

working people should pay taxes, but the money they pull out of every check is just ridiculous.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

1. 11:48 a.m. to noon
    12:04 p.m. – A second officer arrives on the scene followed by a supervisor one minute later. An ambulance responding to the earlier sick person call drives by and responds to assess Brown.

2.  Michael brown was unarmed but yet police officers through tear gas at the young man. Michael was shot to death and as many people would say it was for no reason the poor kid had defense weapon.

3. I would try and get all evidence gathered up so when I go to convict the police officer he's not going to prison for a total misunderstanding.

Monday, August 18, 2014

This school year i have many goals to acheive. It's my senior year and im going to strive to my best. my first goal would have to be " turn all work in on time". Doing that im not allowing myself to receive any zeroes. Second would have to be " Pay attention in class so the homework will not be so difficult".  Thrid " graduate high and start my life as an adult".

The goal for the next five years, first would have to finish college and get in a good job feild.

THe goals for the next ten years would be," get a house, and a way of transpertation, and good paying job.